Zhang Long, male, Ph.D., Professor, is currently a research fellow at the Human Resource Research Institute of MWR and a researcher of China (Nanjing) Talent Development Center. He is Special Editor for over 10 journals such as Management World and The International Journal of Human Resource Management, etc.. He has been dedicating himself to teaching, research and consultation of human resource management and organizational behavior. He has published 1 complied textbook and acted as the associate editor of a textbook which was included in National Standard Textbook Series for Regular Undergraduate Education of the “Twelfth Five-Year Plan” and Key Textbook Series for Institutions of Higher Learning in Jiangsu Province. He has presided over and completed several scientific research projects including General Project of National Social Science Fund and Youth Project of Humanities and Social Science Fund of MoE. He has published over 20 papers in important management journals at home and abroad such as Management World and Journal of Business Ethics and 3 monographs.
张龙,男,博士,教授,水利部人力资源研究院研究员、中国(南京)人才发展中心研究员,兼任《管理世界》、The International Journal of Human Resource Management等十余本杂志的特约审稿人。长期从事人力资源管理和组织行为领域的教学、研究和咨询。出版编译教材一部,作为副主编撰写的教材入选“十二五”普通高等教育本科国家级规划教材和江苏省高等学校重点教材。主持完成国家社科基金一般项目、教育部人文社科基金青年项目等科研项目多项。在《管理世界》、《Journal of Business Ethics》等国内外重要管理学刊物发表论文二十余篇,出版专著3部。